Aminos Powder

If you’re interested in looking, feeling, and performing your best, there’s one nutrient that beats out all the others…

Amino acids.

These "building blocks of protein" can help you naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, enhance athletic recovery, and so much more. 

But understanding amino acids and the role they can play in supporting everything from general wellness to physical fitness can be tricky, so we're here to break it down for you.

In this article, we’ll be covering:

  • What amino acids are
  • How amino acids are different from protein
  • The different types of amino acids
  • Why amino acids are so important—especially if you exercise
  • How amino acids can help you perform better, lose weight, age gracefully, and more
  • The best way to boost your amino acid intake
  • The number one amino acid supplement for fitness

Let’s get into it!

Amino Acids: They’re More Than Just Building Blocks of Protein (Much, Much More!)

As you likely learned in high school science class, amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins in the body. You can think of them like the various little Lego pieces that come together to form one epic Starship Lego masterpiece.

Just like Lego pieces, you can’t build anything in the body (think cells, hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and tissues) without having enough amino acids available.

And you definitely can’t build muscle.

In fact, amino acids are the reason protein is such a vital macronutrient for fitness and health. We have to eat protein so that we can break it down into the amino acids our body needs to function. Without protein (namely amino acids), our bodies, tissues, and muscles will inevitably start to degrade.

So basically, we eat protein → we digest it into amino acids → those amino acids fuel nearly every physiological process in the body (not exaggerating!).

Here’s just a snapshot of what bodily functions require an adequate supply of amino acids1:

  • Healthy blood sugar levels2
  • Growth hormone production2
  • Connective tissue health3
  • Processing and elimination of fat4
  • Cardiovascular health4
  • Liver function4
  • Nervous system function and adrenaline and noradrenaline release5
  • Fat metabolism6
  • Immune function6
  • Serotonin production and sleep regulation7
  • Hemoglobin production8
  • Blood cell manufacture9
  • Nerve cell protection9
  • Gastric secretion9
  • Sexual functions9

As you can see, essentially every physiological system relies on amino acids. You need them to be a healthy, functioning human—period.

What Are the Different Types of Amino Acids?

There are more than 300 amino acids that exist in nature, but only 20 of these amino acids are found in the human body. These are classified as either essential amino acids (EAAs), non-essential amino acids (NEAAs), or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).

While they are all important to human health, there’s only one class that’s truly essential.

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs)

Yep, you guessed it: EAAs are essential for health. In fact, they’re the ONLY dietary macronutrient required for human survival!10 Our bodies can’t synthesize EAAs, so they must be obtained from outside sources like protein-rich foods or supplements.

There are nine total EAAs: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Three of the EAAs (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) also fall under the umbrella of BCAAs.

Branched-chain amino acids have a “branched” molecular structure, which allows them to be broken down directly in muscle tissue instead of the liver. For this reason, many fitness enthusiasts have long recommended taking BCAA supplements for building muscle.

However, it is now accepted among most experts that supplementing with BCAAs—without the remaining six EAAs—is NOT beneficial for building muscle. In fact, BCAAs in isolation can actually decrease the rate of muscle building, as well as lead to other unwanted side effects.11

Check out this article to learn more about why you should avoid BCAA-only supplements.

Non-Essential Amino Acids (NEAAs)

The remaining 11 amino acids are considered non-essential because they can be synthesized by our bodies in the absence of dietary protein. They’re still important for optimal health, but you don’t need to worry as much about obtaining them from your diet.

In summary, if you want to maximize your health, you should focus on getting adequate levels of essential amino acids (EAAs).

Do You Exercise? You Should Be Even More Concerned with EAAs.

Now that you understand what EAAs are and their importance in the body, you might be wondering whether or not you’re getting enough.

If you’re trying to reach your personal peak of health and fitness, the answer is… Probably not.

Here’s why…

The proteins in the body are in a constant state of flux and turnover, and they’re either being synthesized or broken down. During muscle protein synthesis (MPS), amino acids are used to build muscle as well as repair tissues, produce energy, and promote a state of “rebuilding” in the body. However, during muscle protein breakdown (MPB)—which occurs as a result of muscular damage induced by exercise—protein in the body is degraded and amino acids are excreted through the urine.

So if you’re an active person, the protein in your body is probably being broken down more frequently during your workouts, which means you’re excreting more amino acids on a daily basis.

Those amino acids that are lost as a result of exercise—specifically the EAAs—must be replaced either from dietary protein or supplements for your body to be able to function and rebuild.

If you don’t replace these lost EAAs, your body will tap into its “amino acids reservoir,” AKA your muscle, to maintain an equilibrium of amino acids in your bloodstream. Basically, your body will start to catabolize its muscle to get the amino acids it needs to keep critical systems running. (Muscle is the only tissue your body can afford to lose without critically harming your health.)

In other words, if you’re not replacing your EAA stores at a rate that is equal to or greater than the rate you’re losing them, you’re probably going to:

  1. Lose muscle mass;
  2. Have a hard time building muscle;
  3. And/or experience other negative effects on your recovery, hormones, energy, tissues, and more.

This is why if you’re an active person, consuming adequate amino acids for your activity levels is critical for simply maintaining your muscle mass and fitness levels.

But if you’re reading this, we have a feeling you’re looking for more than just maintenance when it comes to your health and performance. If you want to look and feel your absolute best, there are many other reasons why EAAs should be a fundamental part of your wellness toolkit.

Why EAAs Are Fundamental for Looking, Feeling, and Being Fit.

As you just learned, EAAs are the building blocks of protein and total body health. However, there are three specific benefits that make EAAs so fundamental to fitness and helping you look, feel, and perform your best:

  1. They naturally boost energy levels
  2. They build lean muscle
  3. They help you repair and recover

EAAs Naturally Boost Energy Levels

Essential amino acids promote a natural boost in energy levels without caffeine or other stimulants in five different ways.

Support the Quality of Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell. EAAs support the development of new mitochondria and the quality of existing mitochondria via a mechanism similar to fasting, caloric restriction, and exercise.12

Promote Mitochondrial Function
EAAs promote efficient energy production by supporting mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, and clearance of damaged mitochondria via mitophagy.12

Produce Ketone Bodies
Specific amino acids can be catabolized to acetyl-CoA or acetoacetate and lead to the production of fatty acids or ketone bodies. These fatty acids/ketone bodies are a direct source of energy for the body.12

Prevent Muscular Fatigue
When we have all nine EAAs circulating in our bloodstream, there is no need for the body to break down muscle for energy. Therefore, EAAs can prevent muscular fatigue during exercise by reducing the amount of muscle breakdown that occurs.13

Reduce Mental Fatigue
Three of the EAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are thought to counteract increases in 5-HTP and serotonin in the brain, which can lead to mental fatigue during endurance exercise. These EAAs may also increase the amounts of other novel excitatory neurotransmitters to promote feelings of energy.11

EAAs Build Lean Muscle

As we’ve already covered, essential amino acids are crucial for muscle growth. Here are three reasons they’re the ultimate weapon for helping you build lean muscle.

Fuel the Creation of New Muscle
EAAs are the number one fuel for muscle-building. For any new muscle to be created, all nine of the EAAs must be present in adequate amounts.11

We repeat: you cannot build muscle without the EAAs!

Promote Muscular Strength
EAAs, specifically the amino acid leucine, can also help existing muscles become stronger.14

Support Muscular Endurance
And finally, EAAs help your muscles perform tasks longer by directly supplying them with energy, preventing muscle fatigue, and delaying time to failure during resistance exercise.15

EAAs Help You Repair and Recover

Workouts are just one part of fitness. You must be able to adequately recover, day after day, in order to maintain a consistent exercise routine that will help you look and feel your best. Here’s why EAAs are one of the most potent recovery tools to help you bounce back from your workouts faster.

Help Your Muscles Repair
EAAs fuel muscle protein synthesis, which is what helps your muscle tissues repair after being broken down during exercise.16

Reduce Muscular Damage
Amino acids have been shown to mitigate exercise-induced elevation of muscle damage markers in the blood, which means less damage to your muscle after exercise and faster recovery.17

Decrease Soreness
Finally, EAAs have been shown to reduce muscle soreness after exercise.18 This means you can bounce back faster between workouts, always hitting the gym feeling rested and recovered.

So, between boosting your energy levels so you can exercise longer and harder…

And enhancing your body’s ability to build muscle for a leaner physique…

And helping you recover faster from workouts so you can maximize your active time each week…

It’s no wonder why EAAs are so fundamental to fitness!

How to Boost Your EAA Intake

As you can imagine, the most straightforward way to get more EAAs is to eat more protein. However, eating enough protein to maximize your EAA intake is often easier said than done.

First, you need to focus on the right kinds of protein. When it comes to amino acids, the best sources are animal proteins such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. That’s because animal protein, unlike most plant proteins, contains a complete profile of amino acids—including all nine of the EAAs. That’s not to say you can’t get enough amino acids on a plant-based diet, it just might take a little more planning!

Second, you have to consume adequate amounts of protein on a daily basis. In general, most people would need at least 0.6-0.8 grams per pound of body weight for maintenance. However, if you’re interested in building muscle and fueling higher activity levels, you may need up to 1 gram per pound.

Third, you need to efficiently digest and absorb the protein you eat. The truth is, a growing number of us have gut issues, low stomach acid, or inadequate digestive enzyme production that impacts how much of our dietary protein we can actually absorb and utilize. This means you could be eating enough protein, but you’re not able to effectively break it down into its amino acid components.

In other words, getting adequate levels of EAAs through diet alone is a lot trickier than it seems! Luckily, there’s a simple solution…

It’s possible to get all the EAAs you need to reach total body health and peak performance with just one daily supplement: Kion Aminos.

Kion Aminos: The Number One Essential Amino Acid Supplement for Fitness

Kion Aminos is a clean, one-of-a-kind amino acid formula containing all nine EAAs in scientifically validated ratios that have been proven to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery.

Here’s how it works:

Energy: Kion Aminos provides steady, natural energy without any caffeine by supporting cellular energy production, counteracting central fatigue, and reducing muscle fatigue during exercise.

Muscle: The EAAs in Kion Aminos are the active components of protein that stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and reduce muscle protein breakdown (MPB).

Recovery: Kion Aminos improves readiness and helps you bounce back faster than ever by reducing muscle protein breakdown, thus decreasing the amount of muscle damage (and corresponding soreness) from exercise.

Kion Aminos Vs. Other Brands

Do a quick Google search, and you’ll find dozens of different amino acid brands with seemingly identical formulas. So, it’s no wonder why the average consumer tends to choose the cheapest version and call it a day (we don’t blame ‘em).

But you’re not the average Joe/Jane, and you deserve more than the average Aminos!

The truth is, many other amino acid formulas are sorely lacking in a number of areas:

  • Missing one or more essential amino acids (BCAAs, we're looking at you)
  • Not using an amino acid ratio that is scientifically validated to get you results
  • Contain artificial ingredients that can harm your health
  • Lackluster taste and flavor
  • Inconvenient packaging for on-the-go

Here’s how Kion Aminos differs from other brands, and why it's the number one amino acid supplement for fitness.

A Scientifically Validated Amino Acid Ratio

While there’s no disputing the efficacy of EAAs, there are endless possible ratios in which EAA supplements could be formulated. So, what’s the best amino acid ratio to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery?

Multiple years of research have uncovered the following approach to developing an ideal EAA formula for maximizing fitness results:

  • Use the EAA profile in human skeletal muscle as a starting point.
  • Increase the amount of leucine to 40%* This amount maximally stimulates muscle protein synthesis (and also because muscle oxidizes some of the leucine as it enters the cell).
  • Because increased leucine intake increases the oxidation of isoleucine and valine, amounts of these two amino acids should be increased as well.
  • Increase the amount of lysine, as its transport into muscle tissue is slower than other amino acids.

*New research shows that EAA supplements rich in leucine (LEAAs) work even better than traditional EAAs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, aid in muscle repair, and support athletic recovery. Aminos contain 40% leucine, with the remaining EAAs in optimal, science-backed ratios shown to help you grow stronger muscles and recover faster.

The following formula—which is the result of over 20 years of clinical research and countless hours peering through the most sound and current science—was crafted to meet those four criteria:

  • 2000 mg L-Leucine
  • 550 mg L-Isoleucine
  • 500 mg L-Valine
  • 850 mg L-Lysine
  • 475 mg L-Threonine
  • 350 mg L-Phenylalanine
  • 200 mg L-Methionine
  • 71.5 mg L-Histidine
  • 3.5 mg L-Tryptophan

This is the exact ratio of all nine EAAs that’s been scientifically validated to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery—and it’s the exact ratio we use in Kion Aminos.

Clean, Natural Ingredients

What’s the point of taking a supplement for your health if it contains unhealthy ingredients? Sadly, many of the amino acid formulas on the market are made with artificial ingredients and other harmful additives.

That’s why Kion Aminos is made with only clean, natural ingredients and flavors. It’s also sugar-free and contains NO caffeine, artificial sweeteners, stearates, coatings, or dyes.

You can rest assured our formula won’t negatively impact your gut health or give you the nervous energy and jitters that other pre-workout supplements can cause.

Superior Flavor

Let’s face it, most amino acid supplements aren’t exactly delicious. (And if they are, they’re probably using artificial ingredients to cover up the taste!)

Kion Aminos is meticulously taste-tested and crafted using only natural flavors—which means you’ll actually enjoy sipping on our refreshing Watermelon, Mango, Mixed Berry, and Cool Lime flavors.

Convenient Packaging

Whether you’re going back and forth from the gym or setting out on a multi-day trek, convenience is key for staying on track with your fitness supplements.

Kion Aminos comes in a variety of packaging for ultimate convenience:

  • Watermelon, Mango, Mixed Berry, and Cool Lime flavors available in tubs or single-serve packets
  • Single-serve variety packets (Includes all four flavors)
  • Convenient, easy-to-swallow capsules

Kion Aminos Vs. Protein Powder, Pre-Workouts, and Recovery Supplements

Did you know that a quality EAA supplement can actually replace many other popular fitness supplements you might be taking?

Here’s where Kion Aminos differs from protein powders, pre-workouts, and recovery formulas—and why it trumps them all.

Protein Powders

There are many types of protein powders out there. When assessing the quality of a particular protein source, it’s helpful to consider three questions:

  1. How digestible is the protein?
  2. How many total EAAs does it have?
  3. What are the proportions of those EAAS?

In all three cases, Kion Aminos come out on top:

  1. Kion Aminos is extremely digestible because the EAAs it contains are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, whereas whole food protein needs to be digested and broken down into its amino acid parts.
  2. Kion Aminos contains 100% EAAs, whereas even high-quality proteins contain only about 45% EAAs, with lower-quality protein containing even fewer.
  3. Finally, the proportions of EAAs in Kion Aminos were meticulously calculated using 20+ years of the best clinical research.

For all these reasons, Aminos supports fitness and builds muscle to a greater degree than even the highest-quality protein powder.

(Note: Kion Aminos is not meant to replace whole food protein sources altogether, but to supplement the body’s need for EAAs.)


An ideal pre-workout should do two things:

  1. Give you energy.
  2. Enhance your exercise performance.

Kion Aminos accomplishes both, without the side effects of many other pre-workout formulas.

Most popular pre-workouts provide artificial energy from stimulants like caffeine. While caffeine has been shown to be effective for boosting performance,19 it isn’t an ideal pre-workout choice if you like to work out in the afternoon as it may impact your sleep.20 Too much caffeine can also increase blood pressure and feelings of stress. Ultimately, caffeine is a powerful drug and should be used wisely. (Frankly, we prefer ours in the morning from a cup of coffee!)

Pre-workouts also often contain vasodilators like beta-alanine as a performance enhancer. While vasodilators can promote increased blood flow for an enhanced “pump” during your workout, they actually aren’t necessary for performance and can cause a tingling sensation that some find unpleasant.

Kion Aminos, on the other hand, provides steady, natural energy by stimulating cellular energy production. It also enhances exercise performance by counteracting central fatigue and preventing muscle fatigue during endurance training.

Recovery Supplements

Branched-chain amino acids and protein powder are often touted as the best supplements for recovery. As you’ve learned, Kion Aminos is more effective than both BCAAs and protein for recovery

In order for a fitness recovery supplement to be effective, it should accomplish three things:

  1. Promote muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to repair muscle tissue after exercise
  2. Reduce the rate of muscle protein breakdown (MPB)
  3. Decrease feelings of muscle soreness

Unlike BCAAs, which contain only three of the EAAs, Kion Aminos contains all nine EAAs. And *say it with us now* you need all nine EAAs to stimulate MPS to build and repair muscle.3

Additionally, Kion Aminos contains 40% of the amino acid leucine. Leucine-enriched EAAs (LEAAs) have been shown to mitigate exercise-induced elevation of muscle damage markers in the blood and reduce muscle soreness following exercise.17 18

Kion Aminos is truly a fundamental supplement for fitness recovery. It helps you bounce back faster by reducing muscle protein breakdown (the primary cause of soreness) and enhancing muscle protein synthesis after exercise.

Who Can Benefit From Taking Kion Aminos

Kion Aminos was formulated to support anyone in achieving their health and fitness goals: endurance athletes, gym-goers, plant-based eaters, older folks wanting to maintain muscle, those looking to improve their physique, and everyone in between.

So a better question might be… Who *can’t* benefit from Kion Aminos?

Here’s exactly how it can help you with your health goals.

Everyday Wellness

Because it provides the EAAs we need to thrive, protein is an essential nutrient no matter what your diet or lifestyle is like.

While most Americans are getting the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein (0.36 grams per pound of body weight), the truth is that the RDA of protein is the minimal amount needed to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

If you have a physically demanding job, exercise or are active regularly, are over the age of 40, or have goals to build muscle, you need to be eating *well above* the RDA of protein.

An ideal starting point for most people looking for general wellness is one gram per pound of your ideal body weight. That can be a lot of protein to consume on a daily basis!

That’s why Kion Aminos can be a helpful tool to supplement your protein intake and ensure you’re getting adequate EAAs. Because Kion Aminos is 100% pure, readily-absorbed EAAs, 1-2 daily servings is enough to promote everyday wellness for most active individuals.

Enhancing Endurance

Kion Aminos supports athletic endurance in a number of ways. It provides natural, stimulant-free energy, promoting the growth of healthier, more efficient muscle, and enhancing athletic recovery so you can get back to training sooner without soreness holding you back.

Kion Aminos naturally boosts energy at the cellular level by supporting mitochondrial production and efficacy.12

During periods of intense exercise, taking Kion Aminos supplies the body with all of the EAAs it needs without having to pull them from the muscles, thereby reducing muscle fatigue.15

Additionally, during long bouts of exercise, the brain increases serotonin production, leading to “central fatigue.” Kion Aminos can help to counteract central fatigue, giving you more mental stamina to keep going.13

Finally, as you exercise and muscle protein turnover is accelerated, newer, better-functioning muscle proteins are created. Taking Kion Aminos ensures your body has ample amounts of EAAs during these periods of increased MPB and MPS.16

As an added bonus, Kion Aminos keeps working even after exercise by limiting MPB and promoting MPS for super-fast recovery.

Building Strength

If you’re lifting weights to build strength, taking Kion Aminos can amplify your results.

During resistance training, both muscle protein breakdown (MPB) and muscle protein synthesis (MPS) are stimulated, but MPS is limited due to some of the EAAs in your muscle being oxidized and not available for synthesis. Kion Aminos stimulates MPS and inhibits MPB, tipping the balance in favor of MPS, which leads to the creation of new, stronger, and healthier muscle.16

To get the most out of strength training, Kion Aminos can be taken before AND after your workout. Why both? Taking Kion Aminos before a workout supplies your muscles with energy, which can help to build strength.15 Additionally, taking Aminos immediately after resistance training can help to increase MPS,21 making your workouts more effective and giving you better results.

Improving Athletic Recovery

An often overlooked component of exercise, how well you recover is equally as important to how hard you train if you want to see maximum results in the shortest amount of time.

Kion Aminos supports recovery better than traditional EAA supplements because it is enriched with 40% leucine, also referred to as leucine-enriched essential amino acids (LEAAs). LEAAs have been shown to mitigate exercise-induced elevation of muscle damage markers in the blood and reduce muscle soreness following exercise.17

Kion Aminos helps your body recover faster from exercise so you can engage in physical activity more often, with more vigor, and avoid excessive soreness and injury.

Losing Weight

There’s no way around it: the only way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you consume.

However, being in a calorie deficit often comes with hunger, physical and mental fatigue, and muscle loss. This is why losing weight and keeping it off can be so difficult!

Taking Kion Aminos during a weight loss period can help counteract many of the unpleasant side effects that come with being in a calorie deficit.

For one, when your body is shored up on amino acids, you may experience less hunger and reduced food cravings, which can be extremely helpful if you’re cutting calories.

Additionally, because Kion Aminos gives you energy without stimulants, taking it while on a calorie-restrictive diet can support your weight loss by naturally boosting your physical and mental energy. This means you’ll have more energy to stay active, which in turn leads to better weight loss results.

Finally, an often overlooked drawback of being a calorie deficit is that it can lead to muscle being burned at the same rate as fat. There’s a very important reason you don’t want to lose muscle if your goal is to lose fat: Muscle helps you burn fat by increasing your metabolism and your ability to expend energy throughout the day.22

This means that if you’re losing muscle on your weight loss journey, you’re significantly diminishing your body’s ability to burn fat! As you’ve learned, EAAs enhance muscle protein synthesis which can protect against muscle loss.

If you’re on a weight loss journey or simply want an easy way to maintain your weight, Kion Aminos is the secret sauce.

Kion Aminos can help you stave off hunger, keep you physically and mentally energized, and protect against precious muscle loss as you burn fat.

Healthy Aging

A large part of healthy aging comes down to maintaining your muscle mass throughout the years.

Research has shown that significant muscle loss increases your risk of cardiovascular events and decreases your chances of survival for various diseases.23 In addition to poor health outcomes, muscle loss as you age means more difficulty performing everyday tasks and maintaining an active lifestyle, which negatively impacts your quality of life.

And it’s not just the elderly who should be concerned… muscle loss can start as early as age 30, with most people experiencing significant loss around age 50.

Getting adequate protein is the key to staving off muscle loss as you age, but unfortunately, it becomes progressively more difficult to digest protein and absorb amino acids after age 40.21 Additionally, as you age, your body becomes less efficient at stimulating MPS.24

Because Kion Aminos requires little digestion, stimulates MPS to a greater degree than dietary protein, and contains 100% EAAs, it is all the more important for anyone over the age of 30 who’s looking to age gracefully.

Supplement a Plant-Based Diet

Vegans and vegetarians are another category that can especially benefit from additional EAAs.

The truth is, following a vegan or vegetarian diet makes it difficult to get adequate amounts of all the EAAs in the ideal ratios for optimal health. While it is definitely possible, plant-based eaters need to pay much closer attention to their protein sources for a few reasons:

  1. Plant-based proteins, gram for gram, tend to be higher in carbohydrates and calories than animal proteins. This means health-conscious people can unintentionally limit their protein intake by also limiting carbs and calories.
  2. Most plant proteins have incomplete amino acid profiles, meaning they are lacking in one or more of the EAAs (especially lysine). Veggie eaters must be savvy in combining a variety of proteins to get all of the EAAs needed for health.

This is where EAA supplements come in handy, as they allow you to achieve optimal amino acid nutrition no matter what diet you follow. (And yes, Kion Aminos is 100% plant-based!)

Healthy Child Development

Essential amino acids, from whole food protein sources or EAA supplements, are also critical for healthy growth and development in children.25

Kion Aminos may be an option for supplementing meals low in protein and may be helpful for diets lacking sufficient EAAs. However, you should consult your child’s health care practitioner prior to use of the product.

Kion Aminos can be taken every day as a supplementary source of EAAs for general wellness or to help enhance athletic endurance, build strength, recover better from exercise, lose fat, age well, and supplement a plant-based diet.


Kion Aminos is a clean, one-of-a-kind amino acid formula containing all nine EAAs in scientifically validated ratios.

Kion Aminos is fundamental for fitness because it contains the most essential nutrients for a fit body.

Formulated to support anyone in achieving their health and fitness goals, Kion Aminos can be enjoyed by endurance athletes, gym-goers, those looking to lose fat, kids, vegetarians, elderly individuals looking to maintain muscle, and everyone in between.

You can take Kion Aminos every day as a supplementary source of EAAs to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery to support a long, fun, active life.

Naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, and enhance athletic recovery.


If you still have questions about Kion Aminos, click here to learn more and read our comprehensive FAQs.

Scientific Research



  • Hello!

    Are the amino acids tested for heavy metals?

    Kion replied:
    Yes! All Kion products undergo a heavy metal assay at multiple stages during the production process. Standard heavy metal assays include, but are not limited to Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury. We adhere to extremely exacting standards that fall well below daily recommended intake.

    Debbie on

  • How many times a day can the aminos be taken ? 1 scoop twice a day or 1 scoop once a day ? Can it be taken later in the afternoon or will be keep me up all night ?
    Kion replied:
    Our aminos can be taken multiple times a day depending on your requirements. Multiple servings can be taken at the same time – although more than 3 at once will begin to yield diminishing returns. Should you wish to take them multiple times a day, there really is no exact protocol in terms of when they’re most effective (outside of exercise) so personal preference / convenience plays a large role. Many will take them in-between meals to promote satiety, others will take with to enhance the performance of said meal in terms of protein synthesis. As our aminos do not contain caffeine or other “stimulants” they should not affect sleep, however there is a high amount of individual variability when it comes to that subject. It is not a common report for us to receive.

    You have a new comment from Sandy

    Sandy ([email protected]) wrote a comment about your blog post Amino Acids: Fundamental for Fitness and a Healthy Body <>:

    " How many times a day can the aminos be taken ? 1 scoop twice a day or 1 scoop once a day ? Can it be taken later in the afternoon or will be keep me up all night ? "

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    Sandy on

  • is it ok to take creatine and a whey protein shake together post workout?
    Kion replied:
    Most certainly! The two are very effective post-workout and can be combined without any issue, in fact they will be complimentary to each other

    Jennifer Hogan on

  • Can a serving of Aminos powder be combined with a serving of creatine in the same dose (either pre- or post-workout)? What would the ideal timing be for these two supplements? I’m 51, 120lb, female, split train with weights and cardio 5-6 days a week and am looking to gain lean muscle and maintain weight and bone density.
    Kion replied:
    Absolutely Creatine and Kion Aminos can be combined! Combining the two will provide a synergistic effect in terms of energy production and protein synthesis / recovery. As for creatine, it is generally considered to be more effective (in terms of body composition and strength) when consumed post-workout, although the differences are somewhat minimal. EAA’s are also extremely flexible when it comes to timing, as they can provide a boost to protein synthesis throughout the day when a meal or shake might not be preferable. Just like creatine though, they’re most effective when centered around a workout as the MPS increase (muscle protein synthesis) from EAA’s is synergistic with the increase one would see from exercise.. meaning that the 2 combined are greater than either in isolation. If you feel that you’re not recovering well from your sessions, delayed onset soreness etc, try combining both products after your training sessions. If you feel like you need an extra boost to get you through those sessions in the first place, the combination of both pre-workout might suit you better. Long story short, while both are effective taken at any time of the day, taking them centered around your training will yield the best results. Pre or post is really a matter of preference or convenience.

    Jen on

  • What is the recommendation for pregnancy? Women require hire amounts of protein for increased blood production and managing their blood pressure among other thing. Curious about any research/—advice you can provide on this topic
    Kion replied:
    You are correct in that increased protein intake is generally accepted during pregnancy, and Kion Aminos are simply the building blocks of those proteins. Unfortunately, there is a general lack of study on pregnant populations and EAA supplementation. As pregnancy is a highly sensitive period, we cannot in good faith make a recommendation one way or the other, and highly suggest physician consultation and continual monitoring.

    Ryan on

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